Dumb Best Friend Gets Into a Better College


Dear Miss Fortune Cookie, 

Lowell ruined my life. I was happy when I got in. Now that it’s senior year, I’m disillusioned. Every UC I applied to rejected me. I’m going to City College next year. If I’d stuck with my local high school, I would’ve been at the top of my class. My best friend avoided Lowell. Now he’s going to UC San Diego, and I’m smarter than him. 

Middle school nerds take heed. Don’t come to Lowell!!!!! 


Dear Matt, 

Miss Fortune Cookie says: The water that floats sinks your boat will also sink float it. 

If you give it some thought, don’t you have good memories from Lowell along with the bad? Maybe you learned some cool things, made true friends, or did an amazing project. Maybe one teacher really inspired you. 

Since Lowell prepared you well, you’ll ace your classes, and transfer to the university of your choice. It’s not about what you know, but what you do with it. 

Sorry for being annoyingly optimistic!