Messy Love Triangle


Dear Miss Fortune Cookie! 

I’ve created a bit of a mess for myself. My best friend is a guy. I’m not. And I’m starting to wonder if best friends is enough. But then, being an idiot, I practically shoved him into the arms of his current girlfriend — a controlling wench if there ever was one. She’s not happy that he and I friends; she does everything she can to keep us apart. And he’s not happy either, but he doesn’t want to break up with her because he thinks that I think they should be together. Is that messed up or what! 

My Own Worst Enemy

Dear Worst Enemy, 

Miss Fortune Cookie says: Once you mount a tiger, it is difficult to get off. 

That’s some crazy tiger you’re riding! Don’t despair, though. Even tigers sleep once in a while. I have lied to her friends in the past, and sympathize with your situation. Unfortunately, I have bad news. The only way to get off the tiger is to come clean with your friend-that-could-become-more-than-a-friend. 

Patient method: Let him know that you regret setting him up with his current girlfriend WITHOUT putting her down. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait a long time. If they break up, tell him your true feelings. 

Brave method: Let him know your true feelings now. Do NOT mention how you feel about his current girlfriend. Warning: he may reject you. (Sorry!) 

Miss Fortune Cookie